November 2, 2023

Howa 1500 HACT/Weatherby Vanguard Trigger Spring Installation

  1. Clear your rifle, ensure the chamber, magazine and bolt face is free of all ammunition Failure to do so may result in Death or serious injury.
  2. Prepare your work area, clean and tidy an appropriate work surface to avoid loss or damage of small parts.
  3. Gather required tooling, the required tooling will vary from firearm to firearm and your personal preference however you may require.
  • Bits and bit driver, suitable for removing your action screws.
  • Pin punch, sized appropriately for removing sear and trigger pins as required.
  • Hammer
  • Small common screw driver.
  • Needle nose pliers.
  • Circlip pliers.
  • Allen keys.
  • Safety Glasses.
  • Loctite 222, or nail polish maybe required for some firearms.

Note. During this procedure take care not to lose any small parts, pins bolts screws etc. Place them in a suitable container such as a zip-lock bag or parts bowl.

4. Remove the bolt and magazine from your rifle, if fitted and set them aside.
5. Remove you barrel and action from the stock, by unfastening the action screws and set your stock aside.
6. Remove your trigger mechanism from the barreled action, by removing the retaining pin located towards the rear of the trigger mechanism and set barred action aside.
7. Remove Pin (item 2), with pin punch.
8. Remove circlip and trigger sear pin (item 3).
9. Remove trigger sear (item 4), care should be taken to not loose stock first stage spring.
10.  Remove circlip and retaining pin ( item 6 ) from offside of safety plate and remove actuator ( item 7 ).
11. Remove stock second stage spring ( item 8 ).
12. loosen lock nut on trigger adjustment screw and back set screw off several full turns ( item 1 ).
13. Replace second stage trigger spring ( item 8 ) with HVHA spring provided ( larger of the 2 springs ).
14. Refit actuator and its retaining pin and circlip ( items 7 & 6 ).
15. Replace first stage spring( item 5 ) with remaining spring.
16. Refit trigger sear and its retaining pin and circlip ( items 3 & 4 ) be careful not to dislodge the first stage spring.
17. Refit pin ( item 2 ) while holding trigger in slightly.
18. Refit trigger mechanism to action.
19. Adjust trigger to desired pull weight and tighten locknut on setscrew ( item 1 ).
20. It is a good idea to use thread locker such as 222 Loctite on the grub screw and on the heads of the pins to prevent them from backing out. Though I prefer to use Nail polish instead as it provides ample locking and is easy to remove with acetone in the future if required.
21. The last step is a function test, to make sure your rifle is in good working order. Place weapon on safe, pull the trigger. Then place on fire and feel the improvement.


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